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    Revision as of 23:26, 14 December 2006 by imported>mutante

    (*) Wegen den 3 kaputten Wikias schon Bescheid gesagt in #wikia / Freenode

    22:59 < sannse> we really need to do some deleting... got some old test wikis in there an all
    23:04 < mutante_> jasontest707
    23:04 < mutante_> jasontest30
    23:04 < mutante_> emiltest2
    23:04 < mutante_> those 3 can be deleted i guess
    23:04 < mutante_> they appear in the Sitemap, but do not return any stats
    23:05 < sannse> *nod* there are a few others around, but possibly without stats an all

    (**) Und wegen dem Wikipedia Link in der ersten Zeile auch:

    Topic for #wikia: ...2000+ free wikis!
    < mutante_> topic: the exact number of wikia wikis is 1913 currently it seems
    < mutante_> (plus 1 for wikipedia)
    < sannse> wikipedia isn't on that page...
    < mutante_> i know, but why is it listed as Σ in http://www.wikia.com/wikistats/EN/Sitemap.htm
    < mutante_> Σ Web site (link to http://www.wikipedia.org/)
    < mutante_> the very first in the list
    < mutante_> ok, i see now its just an "ALL wikis" grand total
    < sannse> humm.. that should be www.wikia.com - which is what the tables and charts say... it must have been missed when the page was converted from the Wikipedia version
    < mutante_> i was reading the links with a script
    < mutante_> and the link is wikipedia.org , thats why
    < sannse> *nod* a bad link there - sorry about that


    How to update the Wikia Hostlist

    • Sort out list of all wikia hostnames with . or - in them

    select name from wikia where name like "%.%" or name like "%-%" into outfile 'wikiadots.txt';

    lynx -dump http://www.wikia.com/wikistats/EN/Sitemap.htm | grep "Web site " | cut -d " " -f4 > wikias.txt

    • Combine the two lists

    cat wikiadots.txt >> wikias.txt

    • Delete "S" = Wikipedia (delete first line in list) (**)
    • Convert list to MySQL import format

    for wikia in `cat wikias.txt`; do echo "insert into wikia (name) values ('$wikia');"; done > wikias.sql

    • Delete all wikia

    mysql> delete from wikia; 1896 rows affected

    • and overwrite with fresh

    mysql -u root -p wikistats < wikias.sql

    mysql> select count(name) from wikia; 1913 - 1896 = 17 wikis added

    • start update script to get new data

    php /var/www/wikistats/update_wikia.php

    related: Wikistats/ToDo

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