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    == Links ==
    * [http://primes.utm.edu/primes/search.php Prime Numbers Database Search Query]
    * [http://www.myjavaserver.com/~primesearch/ A Coordinated Search for Prime Numbers (that you can take part in)]
    * http://primes.utm.edu/prove/prove2_1.html
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    * http://primes.utm.edu/links/programs/sieves/Eratosthenes/index.html
    * [http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=SieveOfEratosthenes Sieve Of Eratosthenes]
    * [http://www.myjavaserver.com/~primesearch/ A Coordinated Search for Prime Numbers (that you can take part in)]
    siehe auch (deutsch): [[Primzahl]]

    Latest revision as of 18:40, 8 August 2006

    Historically, the most efficient way to find all of the small primes (say all those less than 10,000,000) is by using the Sieve of Eratosthenes (ca 240 BC):

    Make a list of all the integers less than or equal to n (and greater than one). Strike out the multiples of all primes less than or equal to the square root of n, then the numbers that are left are the primes.

    This method is so fast that there is no reason to store a large list of primes on a computer--an efficient implementation can find them faster than a computer can read from a disk.


    A compact prime sieve (Eratosthenes)

    52 lines of portable ANSI C. Outputs roughly first and last sqrt(N) primes when searching primes up to N (rounded up to next multiple of 30), and finally reports #primes found.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define DO(P,R,I,M,E,S,i0,v0,i1,v1,i2,v2,i3,v3,i4,v4,i5,v5,i6,v6,i7,v7) k=P;\
    if (!(sieve[n] & (1<<R)))\
    { printf(" %ld",30*n + bits[R]);\
      e = eos - I*n - M;\
      for (m = sieve + (30*n + E) * n + S; m < e; m += i0)\
      { *m        |= (1<<v0); *(m += i1) |= (1<<v1);\
        *(m +=i2) |= (1<<v2); *(m += i3) |= (1<<v3);\
        *(m +=i4) |= (1<<v4); *(m += i5) |= (1<<v5);\
        *(m +=i6) |= (1<<v6); *(m += i7) |= (1<<v7);\
      if (m < eos) { *m|=(1<<v0);\
        if ((m += i1) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v1);\
          if ((m += i2) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v2);\
            if ((m += i3) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v3);\
              if ((m += i4) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v4);\
                if ((m += i5) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v5);\
                  if ((m += i6) < eos)   *m |= (1<<v6);\
    } } } } } } }
    char bits[] = {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29} ;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      unsigned long p,q,r,k=0,n,s;
      char *m,*e,*eos,*sieve;
      long bytes,atol();
      if (argc!=2) printf("usage: %s <bytes_used or -maxprime>\n",*argv), exit(0);
      if ((bytes=atol(argv[1])) < 0) bytes = 1 + (-bytes)/30;
      if (!(sieve = malloc(bytes))) printf("Out of memory.\n"), exit(0);
      if (bytes > 30) for (k = r = (bytes-1)/30; (q = r/k) < k; k >>= 1) k += q;
      eos = sieve + bytes; s = k + 1; *sieve = 1; printf("2 3 5");
      for (n = p = q = r = 0; n < s; n++)
      { DO(p++,0,28, 0, 2, 0,p,0,r,1,q,2,k,3,q,4,k,5,q,6,r,7); r++;
        DO(q++,1,24, 6,14, 1,r,5,q,4,p,0,k,7,p,3,q,2,r,6,p,1); r++; q++;
        DO(p-1,2,26, 9,22, 4,q,0,k,6,q,1,k,7,q,3,r,5,p,2,r,4); r++;
        DO(q-1,3,28,12,26, 5,p,5,q,2,p,1,k,7,r,4,p,3,r,0,k,6);
        DO(q+1,4,26,15,34, 9,q,5,p,6,k,0,r,3,p,4,r,7,k,1,p,2); r++;
        DO(p+1,5,28,17,38,12,k,0,q,4,r,2,p,5,r,3,q,7,k,1,q,6); r++; q++;
        DO(q++,6,26,20,46,17,k,5,r,1,p,6,r,2,k,3,p,7,q,0,p,4); r++;
      printf(" ...");
      for (p = bytes - s; p < bytes; p++)
        for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
          if (!(sieve[p] & (1<<k))) printf(" %ld",30 * p + bits[k]);
      for (p = 0, n=3; p < bytes; p++)
        for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) n += !(sieve[p] & (1<<k));
      printf("\n%ld primes found\n", n);
    compile with: gcc -O sieve.c -o sieve
    usage: ./sieve <bytes_used or -maxprime>
    example: ./sieve 523

    2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 ... 15541 15551 15559 15569 15581 15583 15601 15607 15619 15629 15641 15643 15647 15649 15661 15667 15671 15679 15683

    1831 primes found


    siehe auch (deutsch): Primzahl

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