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    Replacing a disk on Sun Cluster 3

    Revision as of 19:02, 14 April 2008 by imported>mutante (Category:Solaris)
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    How to replace a disk on a Sun Cluster 3/3.1 cluster with a A5200 array or similar FCAL.

    Obviously it's different depending on whether is under SVM or VxVM control.


    • Check if the cluster is using 'CVM' (cluster volume manager).
      • vxdctl -c mode (If it shows master/slave then CVM is in use, DO OPERATIONS ON MASTER NODE).
    • Identify the failed drive vxdisk -o alldgs list (note: if the device is 'failing' rather than 'failed' you need to 'remove a disk for replacement' in vxdiskadm first)
    • On the node hosting the device group: replace the device with luxadm luxadm replace_device encolsure,position
    • On the other node connected to the array: Run devfsadm
    • On either node, reconfigure the DID info scdidadm -l c#t#d# then scdidadm -R d# (with the did returned from the first command)
    • On the node hosting the device group,vxdctl enable then then 'replace a failed or removed disk' in vxdiskadm


    • Identify the failed drive metastat -s setname (note: if the device is 'failing' rather than 'failed' you need to detach the relevent plexes first)
    • On the node hosting the device group: replace the device with luxadm luxadm replace_device encolsure,position
    • On the other node connected to the array: Run devfsadm
    • On either node, reconfigure the DID info scdidadm -l c#t#d# then scdidadm -R d# (with the did returned from the first command)
    • On any node connected to the storage, copy the partition table from the mirrored disk to the new disk prtvtoc /dev/did/rdsk/workingdisk-s0 | fmthard -s - /dev/did/rdsk/replaceddisk-s0
    • On any node connected to the storage, delete and add back any broken metadb's
      • metadb -s setname
      • metadb -s setname -d /dev/did/rdsk/replaceddisk-s7
      • metadb -s setname -a -c 3 /dev/did/rdsk/replaceddisk-s7
    • Repair the failed mirror metareplace -s setname d# -e /dev/did/rdsk/replaceddisk-s0
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