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    Http status codes: Difference between revisions

    Content added Content deleted
    mNo edit summary
    mNo edit summary
    (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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    [[HTTP]] Status Codes
    Line 67 ⟶ 69:
    # 9xx Self Defined for Wikistats
    $http_status[994]="200 but MySQL database error detected";
    $http_status[995]="n/a - used lynx";
    $http_status[996]="n/a - used w3m";
    $http_status[997]="200 but failed parsing";
    $http_status[998]="200 but empty buffer";
    Line 75 ⟶ 81:
    * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616
    * [[en-wp:List_of_HTTP_status_codes]]

    Latest revision as of 22:56, 16 November 2007

    HTTP Status Codes

    <HighlightSyntax> <?php

      1. HTTP response status codes
      2. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616
      3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    1. 1xx Informational

    $http_status[100]="Continue"; $http_status[101]="Switching Protocols"; $http_status[102]="Processing (WebDAV)";

    1. 2xx Success

    $http_status[200]="OK"; $http_status[201]="Created"; $http_status[202]="Accepted"; $http_status[203]="Non-Authoritative Information (since HTTP/1.1)"; $http_status[204]="No Content"; $http_status[205]="Reset Content"; $http_status[206]="Partial Content"; $http_status[207]="Multi-Status (WebDAV)";

    1. 3xx Redirection

    $http_status[300]="Multiple Choices"; $http_status[301]="Moved Permanently"; $http_status[302]="Found"; $http_status[303]="See Other (since HTTP/1.1)"; $http_status[304]="Not Modified"; $http_status[305]="Use Proxy (since HTTP/1.1)"; $http_status[306]="Switch Proxy"; $http_status[307]="Temporary Redirect (since HTTP/1.1)";

    1. 4xx Client Error

    $http_status[400]="Bad Request"; $http_status[401]="Unauthorized"; $http_status[402]="Payment Required"; $http_status[403]="Forbidden"; $http_status[404]="Not Found"; $http_status[405]="Method Not Allowed"; $http_status[406]="Not Acceptable"; $http_status[407]="Proxy Authentication Required"; $http_status[408]="Request Timeout"; $http_status[409]="Conflict"; $http_status[410]="Gone"; $http_status[411]="Length Required"; $http_status[412]="Precondition Failed"; $http_status[413]="Request Entity Too Large"; $http_status[414]="Request-URI Too Long"; $http_status[415]="Unsupported Media Type"; $http_status[416]="Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; $http_status[417]="Expectation Failed"; $http_status[422]="Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)"; $http_status[423]="Locked (WebDAV)"; $http_status[424]="Failed Dependency (WebDAV)"; $http_status[425]="Unordered Collection (WebDAV)"; $http_status[426]="Upgrade Required (client should switch to TLS/1.0)"; $http_status[449]="Retry With (Microsoft extension)";

    1. 5xx Server Error

    $http_status[500]="Internal Server Error"; $http_status[501]="Not Implemented"; $http_status[502]="Bad Gateway"; $http_status[503]="Service Unavailable"; $http_status[504]="Gateway Timeout"; $http_status[505]="HTTP Version Not Supported"; $http_status[507]="Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)"; $http_status[509]="Bandwidth Limit Exceeded";

    1. 9xx Self Defined for Wikistats

    $http_status[994]="200 but MySQL database error detected"; $http_status[995]="n/a - used lynx"; $http_status[996]="n/a - used w3m"; $http_status[997]="200 but failed parsing"; $http_status[998]="200 but empty buffer"; $http_status[999]="Outdated. Timestamp was older than 14 days."; ?> </HighlightSyntax>

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