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    "Oi" is a British and Australian working class slang word used to get someone's attention, or to express surprise or disapproval. It is not polite, but it is not especially offensive. It is not to be confused with the Yiddish exclamation of dismay or exasperation "oy" or "oy vey". However it may indeed be of Yiddish origin as other Yiddish words such as nosh and mish-mash have made their way into colloquial English.

    The phrase "Oi" popularized in the punk and ska world by bands like the Cockney Rejects, was derived from the Greek Phrase "hoi polloi" meaning "the people" in a dispregiative way. The oi punk movement was fueled by the working class level skinheads who enjoyed punk, ska [unity], scooters and the notion that punk was a working class movement and not one of the art world. Oi became their anthem, emphasising the importance of the everyman.

    Oi is a slangterm from the Skindhead/Punk music subculture.

    Oi is having a laugh and having a say.
    Oi is thinking for yourself.
    Oi is bigger than any uniform.
    Oi is standing up for your rights.
    Oi is sharp in brain and dress.
    Oi is hating snobs.
    Oi is not giving a toss to the boss.
    Oi is disobeying orders.
    Oi is not acting or dressing like hippies, trendies or muggy boneheads.
    Oi is proud to be working class, not proud to be exploited.
    Oi is seeing through fanatics.
    Oi is you and me. Winning.

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