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    Virtual Reality Modeling Language[edit]



    FreeWRL X3D


    Cortona VRML Client Cortona VRML Client download

    FreeWRL X3D download

    Inclusion test[edit]


    VRML Avatar[edit]


    VRML DEMO[edit]

    #VRML V2.0 utf8
    WorldInfo {
      title "S23 VRML World"
      info "S23"
    NavigationInfo {
      type "ANY"
      avatarSize [ 1.1 1.6 1.1 ]
      headlight TRUE
      visibilityLimit 80000
    DirectionalLight {
    	color 1 0.8 0.7
    	direction 0.9 -0.3 -0.35
    	intensity 1
    DirectionalLight {
      direction 1 -2 1
      intensity 0.5
    DirectionalLight {
      direction 0 0 0
      intensity 1
    DEF StartView Viewpoint {
      jump TRUE
      description "Viewpoint"
      orientation	0 1 0	 0
      position	1 0 2
    Background {
      skyColor [
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        0.0 0.3 0.0,
        0.0 0.6 0.0,
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      groundAngle [0.785, 1.571]
      frontUrl  ["http://s23.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg"]
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      bottomUrl ["http://s23.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg"]
      leftUrl   ["http://s23.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg"]
      rightUrl  ["http://s23.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg"]
      topUrl    ["http://s23.org/w/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg"]
    Transform {
      children Shape {
        appearance Appearance {
          material Material {
        geometry DEF MYTEXT Text {
          string "S23"
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture {
          url "http://s23.org/w/skins/common/images/wiki.png" 
          repeatS FALSE
          repeatT FALSE
        textureTransform TextureTransform { scale 1 1 }
      geometry IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate { point [ -3 -3 1,
                                    2 -2 1,
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                                   -2  2 1
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        texCoord TextureCoordinate {point [0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1]}
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