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    3DNS Hint Sheet


    shows all dc's in config[edit]

    3dpipe datacenter show

    Shows status of <datacenter>[edit]

    3dpipe datacenter <datacenter> status

    Enables/Disables <datacenter>[edit]

    3dpipe datacenter <datacenter> enable/disable

    DONT DO THIS (Phill says is very very naughty, "Disable a wip in a <datacenter>" instead)


    to list the virtuals[edit]

    3dprint wips | grep Wideip

    or for a nicely formatted output

    3dprint wips | grep Wideip | awk '{ print $4,"\t Status:", $3,"\t""Pool: ", $15,"\t""Hostname:", $13}'

    Show status of <virtual>[edit]

    3dpipe virtual <ip_address>:<port> status

    Enables/Disables virtuals[edit]

    3dpipe  virtual <ip_address>:<port> enable
    3dpipe  virtual <ip_address>:<port> disable [

    Disable a wip in a <datacenter>[edit]

    3dpipe wip <wip> datacenter <datacenter> disable
    3dpipe wip wip.site.com datacenter MSL disable
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